Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Creating Sub. Plans

   Every year I dread taking days off of school, because I hate writing sub. plans.  They always take so long, and I feel like it would have been easier to just go to school (even when I am sick).  Last year I got the stomach flu unexpected and had to scramble to get something together.  This is never good…I think the kids worked in drawing books or something along those lines.  This may work for my elementary students, but there are always a few kids who take advantage….especially my middle schoolers. 

  With all that said I am trying to be proactive this year.  Many of you have started Pintrest accounts…which I am loving.  I just started one for sub lessons:


Check it!  If you would like to contribute to this board let me know…or make one of your own…I would love to follow it :)

Here is a sub lesson that a fellow art teacher shared with me….

   Share with students about the Cow Parade.  Different artist create painted cows around different cities in the world.  I bought the above book off Amazon and it has pictures of cows that were created in New York.  I like this book because It shows a cow James Rizzi Painted and Romero Britto.  Also refer to the Cow Parade website.

Here are a few examples:

I made an outline of a cow and then kids color it with a theme.  I don’t have many examples.  Here is an U of M themed cow created by a 3rd grader….
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